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SCVO is keen to ensure individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds are well represented in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). To this end, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is holding discussions with the Council Of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations (CEMVO) to look at how best to raise awareness of the OGP amongst ethnic minority community organisations.
Planning Activity
Activity | |||
Date | Information | Attendees | Notes |
26th April | Meeting with CEMVO to discuss plans for event on open government and SDGs | Allan Young (SCVO), Paul Bradley (SCVO), Fiaz Khan (CEMVO) | SCVO to follow up running order and event briefings. |
16th May | Briefing session with SCVO and CEMVO ahead of event | Paul Bradley (SCVO), Allan Young (SCVO) Fiaz Khan (CEMVO) and Colin Lee (CEMVO) | SCVO to revise running order and briefing in line with CEMVO suggestions |
24th May | Event: Opening up government for ethnic minority communities | This event is now fully booked (40 attendees via | TBC |
Opening up Government for Ethnic Minority Communities: CEMVO Scotland is pleased to announce an event for CEMVO members in conjunction with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO).
Date: Wednesday 24 May 2017
Time: 9.30 – 12.30pm with Lunch
Venue: CEMVO office, 95-107 Lancefield Street Glasgow G3 8HZ
From low wages and a lack of housing to food insecurity and poor health, we are a long way from being the society we would like to be. But we should live in a place where people can satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a good quality of life without compromising future generations to come.
Governments alone cannot solve the problems of today, yet conventional approaches to decision making and policy design means that much of the power still sits in government. This imbalance between elected politicians and technocrats and the people they serve limits our abilities to find the right solutions to ensure people’s needs are identified and met.
More transparent, accountable and participative government is key to reinvigorating democracy in Scotland. By acting openly, with integrity and with the people, governments can play their part in the much needed shift towards co-produced policy design where real transformational change is most likely to occur.
Through using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the framework to engage those attending this event, we will begin to collaboratively problem solve how government must work to bring about change for the communities that CEMVO members serve.
Not only will this approach help us to understand what Scotland’s priorities should be in order to progress towards the goals, it gives attendees the space to understand the barriers in their way, from disempowerment or a lack of communication, to rigid structures and diminished resources.
The programme for the event will be circulated 2 weeks in advance.
Running Order
Opening up government for ethnic minority communities
Event 10-12:30pm, 24/5/17
CEMVO, Lancefield Street, Glasgow
Purpose: Our vision is for all people to be active participants in achieving progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in Scotland. We want to share with you the opportunities to get involved.
Outcomes: A greater idea of how the sector understands the Sustainable Development Goals and how they believe they can be realised.
10:00 Refreshments
10:10 Introductions
Welcome from CEMVO and SCVO, Colin Lee, Ruchir Shah
Outlining the opportunities for involvement through the Open Government Pioneers Project, Allan Young
10:25 Session One: Imagining the Sustainable Development Goals
Purpose: Groups explore what the sustainable development goals would look like in practice
11:00 Break
11:10 Session Two: Realising the Goals
Purpose: Groups explore the practical barriers and identify steps to achieve the sustainable development goals
12:05 Next steps
12:15 Lunch
Facilitators Briefing
Facilitators Briefing
Opening up government for ethnic minority communities
Thank you for supporting the efforts of the Open Government Pioneers Project to put people at the centre of change in Scotland. Our vision is for all people to be active participants in achieving progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Scotland.
This workshop is designed around envisioning the SDGs, both in a domestic and an international context. We want participants to imagine what the achievement of the SDGs would look like and to identify the key steps needed to reach them. Invited participants include key black and minority ethnic community leaders and central to the discussions will be how to ensure their wider communities can engage with the SDGs.
Facilitators will be supported by a member of staff, who will record notes of the session and provide any other assistance as requested by the facilitator during activities or feedback.
10:00 Refreshments
10:10 Introductions
Welcome from CEMVO and SCVO, Colin Lee, Allan Young
Outlining the opportunities for involvement through the Open Government Pioneers Project, Allan Young
This session will be livestreamed unless objections raised
10:25 Session One: Imagining the Sustainable Development Goals
Purpose: Groups explore what the sustainable development goals would look like in practice
11:00 Break
11:10 Session Two: Realising the Goals
Purpose: Groups explore the key steps needed to achieve the sustainable development goals and involve BME communities in the process
12:05 Next steps
12:15 Lunch
This is a participatory process and each session will consist of a group activity and opportunities to feedback.
Allan will give each participant a number on arrival (1-3) and will be asked to split into groups for both sessions.
1 & 2 will remain in the Boardroom and group 3 to move to the side room.
10:00 Refreshments
- Allan hands number (1-3) on arrival
- Fiaz hands out agenda and papers
10:10 Introductions
- Welcome from CEMVO and SCVO, Colin Lee, Ruchir Shah
- Outlining the opportunities for involvement through the Open Government Pioneers Project, Allan Young
Instructions for facilitators (F) and note-takers (NT)
F = Facilitator
NT = Note-taker
P = Participants
10:20 Session One: Imagining the Sustainable Development Goals
Introduction – Allan Young
At this stage we want to explore what the SDGs mean in practice, both in Scotland and around the globe. We want to hear what you think about the goals and how we can work towards achieving them.
We will break into three groups and discuss what do the goals mean in reality. What does it mean, for example to have no poverty?
Action: F and NT help P find their correct group
10:25: Warmer: F ask (P): ‘Looking at the list of goals, what grabs your attention? Discuss with the person next to you’.
Action: P discuss in pairs/ threes, F and NT assist
10:30: F ask P: ‘Choose the two goals which you want to focus on today. Vote with these stickers’
Action: P vote, F and NT assist
10:35: F: decide top two/three topics to discuss.
Action: F seek agreement on two/ three topics. F lead the discussion, 10 mins for each topic (roughly), with the most popular discussed first.
NT record comments.
Prompts (example):
1) What would ‘No Poverty’ look like?
2) Themes (follow the conversation):
- Health & wellbeing
- Income & Employment
- Housing
- Schools
- Community
- Government
11:00: Session ends. F and NT encourage participants to return to main room.
11:00 Break
F and NT encourage participants to return to seats in main room
11:10 Session Two: Realising the Goals
Introduction – Paul Bradley
Paul to provide an overview of GlobalGoals.Scot, Meet-ups, Open Government Network, Knowledge Hub to highlight current opportunities to get involved
Allan Young
Now we want to explore what key steps are needed to help achieve sustainable development goals and involve BME communities in the process.
11:15: Warmer: F asks P: ‘Thinking about the communities we represent, and work with, what barriers do they face achieving this goal? Discuss in pairs and record on post-its’. Choose the most popular goal.
Action: P discuss in pairs/ threes and place post-its on flipchart., F and NT assist.
11:25: Action: F asks P: ‘Looking at these challenges. What needs to happen to overcome these and realise this goal?’ F encourage group discussion, issue by issue, NT assist.
Note: record comments about all goals discussed as there could be overlap. Keep conversation fluid and, if time, move on to second and third most popular goals
- Government
- Charities
- Society
- Media
- Private sector
12:00: Session ends. F and NT encourage participants to return to main room
12:05 Next steps
Ruchir outlines next steps and thanks participants.
12:15 Lunch
Technology: Ruchir and Fiaz
Allocate groups: Allan
Facilitators: Mary (1), Helen (2) and _____ (3)
Note-takers: Allan (1), Ruchir (2) and Paul (3)
Photography: Paul
Materials: Allan and Fiaz
Timekeeper: Allan